
The Year of Yes: A Memoir

By Maria Dahvana Headley

A few years ago, author Maria Headley realized that she was tired of dating losers and desperate to fall in love. Since it never seemed to work out with the type of men she usually dated - intellectual, creative types- she decided that for one year, she would say yes to every man who asked her out in the hope that she would find love where she least expected it. As you can imagine, Maria ends up dating a LOT of weirdos. Highlights include:
  • a graphic designer who eats only raw vegetables, makes her a cake made of birdseed, and never lost his virginity
  • a homeless man who believes he is Jimi Hendrix
  • a handsome bicyclist from Cyprus with a great body who wants Maria to bite his penis

  • a fellow film student who takes her to a really tacky strip club & later tells their entire class all the gory details of their horrific date
  • a lesbian who is only using her for her womb

  • an gorgeous actor who is "mostly" gay and engaged to another woman

The list goes on and on. This book reminded me how elusive love is and how lucky I am to have a wonderful husband so I never ever have to date again. All along, I predicted that Maria would eventually end up with her roommate or have one of those corny moments of self realization that it's ok to be alone because you have to learn to love yourself first or some other b.s. So I was pleasantly surprised by the last pages when my predictions turned out to be completely wrong. Also liked this passage on the final page:

"Love is hard to pin down. There is no language for it. A glorious sparking inside you, an alchemy. All your hurt suddenly turned into joy. Love is inexplicable...Nothing could have prepared me for it. All I could do was open my heart. I didn't understand everything that I was holding. I only knew that it was right."

All the men become a little monotonous after a while and I still can't decide if I like Maria or not, but I still found this book somewhat amusing. ***

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