
The Bright Side of Disaster: A Novel

by Katherine Center

Nine months pregnant and ready to give birth at any moment, Jenny Harris gets the surprise of her life when her wannabe rocker boyfriend Dean goes out for a pack of cigarettes and doesn't come back for seven months. Not exactly a candidate for father of the year. Lonesome, shocked and scared out of her mind, Jenny is forced to give birth and raise her baby daughter alone, soon realizing that nothing in life turns out the way you expect. Luckily, she has her parents and a few good friends to help her out sometimes, including a kind, handsome neighbor remodeling a house down the street, who always seems to show up at the perfect moment. Just as Jenny starts to fall for Gardner, low life Dean shows up just in time to ruin everything. Will Jenny take back this loser and be doomed to become his nagging wife for all eternity or will she take a chance with a good looking stranger?
This book should come with a warning that states, "This book will completely shatter all your romantic illusions about having a baby." Jenny's labor sounds more painful than I ever imagined and once that's over, the excrutiating breast feeding passages will send chills up your spine. Yet this novel is never depressing or bleak, it just feels realistic. The scary parts are balanced by Jenny's immense awe and love for little Maxie. Her attraction to Gardner as well as her fears about falling in love again are also believable. Center has written an insightful novel that is appealing and hard to put down. Recommended.

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