
So Much For My Happy Ending: A Novel

by Kyra Davis

I feel a little bit cheesy for admitting that I liked this book. April Silverperson is a 28 year old department store manager living in San Francisco. She agrees to marry Tad Showers after a whirlwind three month romance, even though the little voice in her head is screaming, "Don't do this!" Life with Tad is dreamy one minute and a complete nightmare the next. He lies to her about their finances, her mother and his past, plus his moods can turn on a dime. Most readers probably aren't too surprised when April's McDreamy turns out to be bipolar, but her struggle with her marriage, her family problems and her career choices make for an interesting story. Davis's writing is a step above most of the chick lit I've picked up lately.***1/2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.